Ingénieur de recherche (docteur) - RV et sciences cognitives (Nantes)
Executive functions testing in VR, Nantes, FR - 12 months
The context is an ongoing collaboration between Nantes Université, CHU de Nantes Nantes, and Hanyang University on the use of VR environments for the testing of executive functions in VR. A set of VR environments have been built and tested on healthy participants. Behavioral and neuropsychological data has been collected on more than 60 participants, and a collaboration has started with a MedTech company on the topic.
The main objective of the postdoc is to continue the data analysis and the assessment of the VR environments for measuring executive functions on specific populations.
Depending on the background of the candidate, the project can focus on several topics:
- Behavioral and trajectories data analysis
- Clinical studies (different pathologies can be studied as depression, neuropsychological disorders, anxiety disorders…)
- Design and development on VR tools for neuropsychological assessment
Elections is open from now, send resume + motivation + references to and
Distant interviews with Yannick Prié and Toinon Vigier.
After selection you may have to candidate on the official University job website, when the position is online.
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