Rappel: ISMAR Conference 100% Virtual
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) is the premier conference for Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). ISMAR explores the advances in commercial and research activities related to AR, MR, and Virtual Reality (VR) by continuing the expansion of its scope over the past several years.
Link for registration: https://ismar21.org/registration/
Program overview: https://ismar21.org/program/
Retour sur Laval Virtual en virtuel
Nous n’avons jamais rassemblé autant de participant au VRIC durant Laval Virtual !Les chiffres...
CfP : SMI 2020 Fabrication and Sculpting Event
The Fabrication and Sculpting Event (FASE) presents original research at the intersection of...
Articles de la conférence CHI 2020 disponibles
Les proceedings de la conférence CHI 2020 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)...
Call for Papers ISMAR 2020
http://ismar20.org/call-for-papers/Note: all submissions are made via the PCS system. Please see...
Report – Journée du Groupe de Travail « Réalité Virtuelle » du GDR IG.RV
Suite à la crise sanitaire, nous somme obligés de décaler le Groupe de travail réalité virtuelle...
Frontiers in Virtual Reality – Online Seminar Series
The Editorial board of Frontiers in Virtual Reality is pleased to present a series of virtual...