Call VRIC ConVRgence Laval Virtual 2021
Laval, France, July 7-9, 2021
ConVRgence - VRIC, Virtual Reality International Conference
The annual ConVRgence (VRIC) - Laval Virtual scientific conference - is a global forum for researchers to discuss and exchange ideas, methods and results on XR technologies (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality). The scope of the conference covers a variety of topics ranging from fundamental research to industrial applications.
Registration is free for presenters and attendees! Best papers will be directly published in the International Journal of Virtual Reality before the conference.
Papers may come from any area of XR. ConVRgence VRIC 2021 seeks contributions addressing at least one of the following 3 topics:
- Human Centered Experiences: Avatars, agents, collaboration, immersive storytelling, presence, social-presence, co-presence, embodiment, engagement, flow, virtual beings, etc.
- Perception & Cognition: Creativity, data visualization, education, ideation, learning, therapy and rehabilitation, training, etc.
- Interaction: 3DUI, BCI, interaction metaphors, VR/AR/MR technology and devices, haptic, locomotion, multimodal interactions, navigation, teleoperation, tracking, etc.
We encourage submissions related to these topics covering all domains and use cases, such as industry, training, health, entertainment, art, education, etc.
NEW: we invite you to propose a one-hour panel with 3 to 5 speakers. Panel sessions should avoid being structured as a series of individual presentations and should aim at discussing new and hot XR topics with researchers from the field.
Submission format
- Full research paper: 7-10 pages including references.
- Short paper: 4 pages including references.
- Poster: 2 pages including references.
- Panel: 1 page with the title and a brief description of the theme of the discussion (up to 500 words) and the proposed speakers (names, contact information and a short biography).
Every submission must be formatted using the IJVR author guidelines.
Link to submit a paper:
Paper Submission Deadline (extended): May 2, 2021
Decision notification and reviews sent to authors: June 6, 2021
Camera-ready papers due: June 20, 2021
The hybrid conference will be held in the Laval Virtual World (the permanent place for Worldwide AR-VR community) and in Laval (France) on July 7-9, 2021.
Presenters who wish to come on site in Laval will receive a free full access pass to visit the Laval Virtual exhibition.
I expect you to join us! Sincerely,
Pr Simon Richir, Scientific Director of Laval Virtual
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