Call for ISMAR 2021 Journal and Conference Papers
ISMAR 2021: the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
October 4-8, 2021, Bari, Italy
NOTE: Please make sure to read the NEW THIS YEAR! explanation of the paper submission categories.
Submission Deadlines
As described below, ISMAR 2021 features two categories of submissions: (i) ISMAR Journal Papers, and (ii) ISMAR Conference Papers. Highlights of the submission deadlines for each category are as follows:
March 7, 2021: Journal Papers abstracts due (REQUIRED)
March 15, 2021: Journal Papers submissions due
May 21, 2021: Journal Papers notifications
May 24, 2021: Conference Papers abstracts due (REQUIRED)
May 28, 2021: Conference Papers submissions due
July 23, 2021: Conference Papers notifications
Further details about the submission deadlines can be found in the Call for ISMAR Journal Papers and Call for ISMAR Conference Papers.
New This Year
In contrast to previous years, ISMAR 2021 features two categories of paper submissions: (i) Journal Papers, and (ii) Conference Papers. Both categories have their own program committees, submission processes, and review processes. The Journal Program Committee will not convert Journal Papers directly to Conference Papers.
Further details about the two submission categories:
• Journal Papers (to be published in the TVCG journal): Submissions to this category should be up to 9 pages in length, not including up to 2 separate pages for references. Journal paper submissions should contain substantial scientific contributions to the fields of AR / MR / VR, and when appropriate provide complete and substantial support for results and conclusions. All accepted ISMAR Journal Papers submissions will automatically be published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). All accepted ISMAR Journal Papers submissions will also include an oral presentation at the 2021 ISMAR Conference.
• Conference Papers (to be published in conference proceedings): Submissions to this category should be 4–8 pages in length, excluding references, and would typically reflect a more narrow (yet still significant) scope of contribution than Journal Papers. ISMAR Conference Papers are not expected to cover all aspects of a typical journal article, such as a broad and complete discussion and description of related work, the design and implementation processes, or an evaluation. Instead they may cover one or two specific areas in depth, or relatively early work. The submission deadline for Conference Papers will be after the notification for Journal Papers submissions. All accepted ISMAR Conference Papers will appear in the archival proceedings of the IEEE ISMAR 2021 Conference, continuing the highly successful legacy of IEEE Xplore Digital Library papers under the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) brand name, and all accepted Conference Papers submissions will also include an oral presentation at the ISMAR 2021 Conference.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Authors should carefully consider which category is appropriate for their submission. There will be no automatic path from Journal Papers to Conference Papers in the case a Journal Paper is rejected. In other words, the Journal Papers S&T Committee will NOT convert a Journal Papers submission to a Conference Papers submission. Any resubmission of a Journal Papers submission to the Conference Papers process is a decision that will have to be made by the authors. In the case where authors chose to submit a reviewed, but unaccepted Journal Paper as a Conference Paper, authors will have the option to elect for reviewer continuity. If such an election is chosen, the reviews (and reviewers) from the Journal Papers process will transfer to the Conference Paper process. Conversely, if authors decline reviewer continuity, the Conference Paper submission will be treated as a completely new submission and be assigned reviewers accordingly.
The Call for ISMAR Journal Papers and ISMAR Conference Papers can be found here:
ISMAR 2021 Call for Journal Papers
ISMAR 2021 Call for Conference Papers (coming soon)
As in the past, Call for Posters, Panels, Tutorials, Workshops, etc. will be issued separately.
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