TTK Tutorial @ IEEE VIS 2019
Please join us this Sunday morning in Vancouver for a half day tutorial on Topological Data Analysis with the open-source library « the Topology ToolKit » (TTK, ), which is organized in the context of the IEEE VIS 2019 tutorials ( ).
The tutorial material (slides, data sets, etc.) is already available on the tutorial web page:
If you consider attending our tutorial, we kindly ask you to pre-register at the following address, such that we can reach out to you ahead of the tutorial with information updates:
In order to follow the hands-on sessions, please bring your laptop!
We also invite you to install TTK *before the tutorial*.
We provide several installation alternatives:
1) Installation from source (~ 1 hour)
2) Fully pre-installed Virtualbox image (password: ttk)
3) Docker image:
4) Anaconda package (python API support only):
Please feel free to contact the user mailing list ( if you encounter any issue.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the IEEE VIS 2019 TTK Tutorial!
Martin Falk, Linkoping University
Christoph Garth, TU Kaiserslautern
Charles Gueunet, Kitware, Sorbonne Universite
Joshua A. Levine, University of Arizona
Jonas Lukasczyk, Arizona State University
Julien Tierny, CNRS, Sorbonne Universite
Jules Vidal, Sorbonne Universite
Dr Julien Tierny
CNRS Researcher
Sorbonne Universite
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