iLRN 2025 : Immersive Learning Research Network Conference
Call for Proposals: 11th Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN2025) Conference Theme: "Reading the World: Immersive Learning & Multimodal Literacies"
In-person (Chicago - Illinois Institute of Technology) Conference Dates: June 15-19, 2025
Online conference Conference Dates: June 16-18 (hosted by iLRN geographic chapters’ respective time-zones)
The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) is pleased to announce the Call for proposals for its 2025 conference, centered around the theme "Reading the World: Immersive Learning & Multimodal Literacies." This conference will bring together researchers, educators, developers, and practitioners to explore how immersive environments & technologies and multi-modal literacies can transform learning experiences. We invite submissions that engage with the innovative use of immersive learning environments, tools, and methods that support diverse literacies in various educational contexts. As the professional association advancing the quality of immersive learning to benefit humanity and our world, iLRN is especially interested in works that amplify and extend this mission.
In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the ways we engage with and understand the world are increasingly mediated through multiple modes of communication and representing knowledge. Immersive learning environments—for instance, encompassing virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and other interactive technologies—offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance and diversify literacies-building practices. The 2025 iLRN conference aims to comprehensively explore these opportunities, fostering discussions and sharing insights on how immersive environments can support and expand the concept of literacy to include visual, digital, and interactive elements, among others.
iLRN welcomes all submissions on the topic of learning and instruction with immersion as a focus, for instance with technology like VR, AR, XR, games or 360° videos. We encourage submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Innovative approaches with immersive technologies/environment for enhancing literacies (including reading, writing, digital, civic, health, cultural, workplace/soft-skill, etc.)
- Multi-modal literacies and immersive storytelling
- Cognitive and affective impacts of immersive learning environments
- The intersection of immersive learning environments and artificial intelligence
- Design and implementation of tools for immersive learning
- Case studies and best practices in immersive learning
- Theoretical perspectives on literacy in immersive contexts
- Assessment and evaluation methods for multi-modal literacies
- Cross-cultural and inclusive approaches to immersive learning
We welcome a variety of submission types to accommodate the diverse interests and expertise within our community.
Academic Stream
(Referred papers will appear in Scopus-Indexed Springer CCIS Conference Proceedings pending Springer confirmation, or in iLRN Conference Proceedings with individual DOIs, not indexed)
- Full paper (12-15+ pages) for oral presentation
- Short paper (8–11 pages) for oral presentation
- Doctoral colloquium paper (4–7 pages) for oral presentation in the doctoral colloquium
- Extended Abstracts (4–7 pages) for poster presentation
iLEAD (Immersive Learning Education And Design) stream
(Papers will appear in iLEAD Conference Proceedings with individual DOIs (not indexed) - Optional)
- Oral presentation
- Poster presentation
- Workshop proposal
- Special session proposal
- Panel session proposal
- Guided Virtual Adventures
- Product Demonstrations
For all iLEAD presentation formats, please submit an Extended Abstract (2-5 pages) with a summary of your contribution to immersive learning education and design.
All online presenters except Keynote and Featured Speakers and invited panels will be required to submit a 3 - 5 minute video depending on the submission type.
Please see the conference website for templates and guidelines.
All accepted, registered, and presented Full Papers and selected Short Papers in the Academic Stream at iLRN 2025 will be published in the Scopus-indexed Springer CCIS Conference Proceedings pending Springer confirmation. All other accepted, registered, and presented papers in the Academic Stream will appear in the iLRN Conference Proceedings with individual DOIs (not indexed). Additionally, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit expanded versions of their work for consideration in various Scopus and Web of Science-indexed journals.
Submitting Extended Abstracts in the iLEAD 2025 is optional but encouraged. Accepted abstracts will appear in the iLEAD Conference Proceedings with individual DOIs (not indexed).
Papers and proposals may be submitted to one of 10 program tracks:
Track 1. Foundations of Immersive Learning Research and Theory (not linked to any particular application area).
Track 2. Assessment and Evaluation (A&E)
Track 3. Galleries, Libraries, Archives, & Museums (GLAM)
Track 4. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, & Social Justice (IDEAS)
Track 5. STEM Education
Track 6. Language, Culture, & Heritage (LCH)
Track 7. Medical & Healthcare Education (MHE)
Track 8. Nature & Environmental Sciences (NES)
Track 9. Workforce Development & Industry Training (WDIT)
Track 10. Self and Co-Regulated Learning with Immersive Learning Environments (SCILE)
Academic communities wishing to cater to other topics are welcome to propose a special track by emailing the Program Chairs at no later than July 31, 2024, with a short description, rationale for immersive learning, and its program committee.
- Special Tracks Proposal Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
Academic submissions
- Submission Deadline: October 1, 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: December 1, 2024
- Camera-Ready Submissions: February 1, 2025
iLEAD submissions
- Submission Deadline: January 8, 2025
- Camera-Ready Submission: February 1, 2025
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: March 1, 2025
- Online Conference Dates: June 16 - 18, 2025
- In-person (Chicago) Conference Dates: June 15-19, 2025
We look forward to receiving your proposals and to the rich discussions and collaborations that will emerge at iLRN 2025. Join us in exploring how immersive technologies can revolutionize the ways we read and interact with the world.
For more information, please visit our [conference website] (
Feel free to reach out to us at for any inquiries.
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