Call for Papers - ACM IMX 2023 - Nantes, France
ACM Interactive Media eXperience 2023 will be held on June 13–15, 2023 in Nantes (France) with the aim to provoke and promote discussion and the sharing of exciting ideas amongst researchers, industry practitioners and the academic community in all forms of media: VR, AR, MR, XR, 360°, live-streaming, online media content, authoring and production, as well as TV.
We encourage authors to submit their novel research findings in analyzing, developing, creating, installing, evaluating, critiquing or distributing interactive media experiences.
The important dates for regular papers (short and long) are set as follows:
* Submission deadline: February 3, 2023
* Decision Notification: March 17, 2023
* Rebuttal: March 24, 2023
* Final Decision Notification: March 31, 2023
* Camera Ready Submission: April 15, 2023
Details for submission and attending can be found at, we look forward to seeing you in Nantes!
Toinon, Niall and Koray
IMX 2023 Technical Program & Paper Chairs
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