"Environmental and sanitary impacts of the metaverse", by Alexis Souchet
(Text from the complete program)
Part 1
The “metaverse” induces side effects. This workshop aims at presenting the state-of-the-art French and American scientific communities’ ways to consider these effects. Part 1 is dedicated to sanitary aspects.
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) published an expertise report on Augmented and Virtual Reality’s sanitary effects. Jean-Marie Burkhardt, who supervised the report, will present the conclusions and his viewpoint on the current status regarding the “metaverse” side effects.
Kay Stanney will present an overview of current research in Cybersickness and how she and her teams at Design interactive are considering such side effects for their industrial work.
Part 2
The Part 2 of the workshop is dedicated to environmental aspects.
In the first talk, one representative from the ADEME will present current knowledge on digital’s impacts on the environment.
In the second talk, Alexis Souchet will specifically focus on how current knowledge on digital environmental issues can be projected for the metaverse.
Then, the speakers will try to define a roadmap to understand better and tackle the metaverse environmental impacts.
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